Curriculum Vitae


2023 - Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

2017 - M.Sc. in Astrophysics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

2016 - B.Sc. in Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Experience in data reduction and analysis

  • Optical imaging: CAFOS@CAHA-2.2m, ALFOSC@NOT, Schmidt-Asiago, Copernico-1.82m-Asiago
  • Near-infrared imaging: CIRCE@GTC, EMIR@GTC
  • Long slit spectroscopy (optical and infrared): OSIRIS@GTC, EMIR@GTC, ISIS@WHT, CAFOS@CAHA-2.2m, IDS@INT, Galileo-1.22m-Asiago, Copernico-1.82m-Asiago
  • MultiObject Spectroscopy (optical and infrared): OSIRIS@GTC, EMIR@GTC
  • Optical Integral Field Spectroscopy: MEGARA@GTC, PMAS/PPAK@CAHA-3.5m

Accepted telescope proposals

- International Time Programmes (ITPs):

Core member of two international proposals (Dwarfs4MOSAIC and Dwarfs4MOSAIC-II) using four telescopes: 80h with MEGARA@GTC, 7 nights with WEAVE@WHT, 5 nights with IO:O@LT, 8 nights with WFC@INT (2023B & 2024A & 2024B & 2025A). Leader of a working group using MEGARA@GTC to study reionization-era analogs.

- Principal Investigator:

MEGARA@GTC (2023A, ranked as top priority A band), MEGARA@GTC (2022A, ranked as top priority A band)

- Collaborator:

WEAVE@WHT (2024B), SIFS@SOAR (2024B), MEGARA@GTC (2024B), EMIR@GTC (2024A), OSIRIS@GTC (2023B), SIFS@SOAR (2023B), MEGARA@GTC (2021B & 2022B), EMIR@GTC (DDT 2020), OSIRIS@GTC (DDT 2020), PPAK@CAHA-3.5m (2020B & 2021B), ISIS@WHT (2019A)

🔭 Observing experience

MEGARA@GTC, EMIR@GTC, ISIS@WHT, CAFOS@CAHA-2.2m, Asiago Observatory (telescopes 1.22m, 1.82m, and Schmidt, Italy)

Teaching experience

- Supervisor of students in 3 M.Sc. theses and 1 B.Sc. thesis - UCM.

2024: Invited tutor in the NEON Observing School 2023 (2 weeks) - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, Italy.

2020 - 2024: Practices of Observational Astronomy (112 h) - B.Sc. in Physics, UCM.

2020 - 2021: Practices of Physics applied to Biology (30 h) - B.Sc. in Biology, UCM.